Updates for the Time-being
Howdy all,
So, many of you will have noticed that I took a brief and unannounced hiatus these last couple months. I’m really sorry about this. There is one acronym to summarise why: PhD. As you may or may not have read (depending on whether you generally follow my blog posts) I am doing a PhD on characterisation and intertextuality in the Metamorphoses. I am entering my final year, which means writing up my 80,000 word thesis for submission next spring/summer. This comic is a side-project, a labour of love to my favourite poem. I set out to try to juggle these two projects, and I think it’s worked out well so far (hiatus notwithstanding). Before anyone gets the wrong idea about where this is going, let me be clear: I am going to continue making and posting this comic! I love it and I love the feedback it has already received. I am really excited because we are finally heading into the territory of real narratives in the poem (so far, we’ve had a big, cosmic introduction to the world). However, my PhD is the foundation for my career, and must always take precedent. Therefore, I am just writing to say that I might not make the update schedule as regularly as I had hoped. I’m still shooting for Mondays, but if a comic doesn’t show up until Wednesday, or even if I skip a week, please don’t panic. I’m not going anywhere, nor is this project. I just have some very big fish to fry in my professional life right now.
I want to thank you all so much for reading! I love the Metamorphoses and I make this comic so that others can experience it and love it too. The response so far has been fantastic and I really appreciate your comments, feedback and reposts. I hope you’ll bear with me as I troddle towards my doctorate and keep enjoying Ovid’s wacky world of transformations.
I am working on a new page that I hope to get up online this week. Here’s to many more!
Thank you again. All the very best wishes,
Charlie xx
Hello–I ran across your ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL comic while researching ancient eco-lit. Are you still working on your project? What you have done is fantastic. Did you finish your PhD.? I am a writer with a forthcoming novel, Lost Mountain, a love story inspired by the (horrible) Pebble Mine project in SW Alaska. I am enthralled to learn of Ovid’s depiction of metals and how they appear to be the genesis of so much blood shed. Have you ever been part of a panel for ASLE (Association for Literature and the Environment?) I would love to team up with you and some others, and I would be happy to write up a proposal. Please let me know if you might be interested. Warmly, Anne Coray