Many of you have no doubt noticed the extended downtime the site experienced last week. I just want to take a minute to apologise for the technical difficulties and let you all know what is coming up in the future. I have been graciously provided space for free by a friend, Lucy Edwards, who has done a great deal in helping me get this comic off the ground. Neither of us anticipated the website and comic would be as popular as they were in the initial weeks, however: we received over 200o hits! This is a truly wonderful experience, and I am so happy you have come to read my comic! Unfortunately, the webhost was not built to handle this kind of traffic, and the site exceeded its bandwidth. I am in the process of acquiring a new space, with unlimited bandwidth, and will be migrating the site as soon as possible. It will then be found at the address In the meantime, I will continue to post comics here, and replace this address with a redirect once I can make the migration.
So, to sum up, sorry for the downtime thank you all for your continued support! A new site and address are coming shortly!