Howdy all,

So, many of you will have noticed that I took a brief and unannounced hiatus these last couple months.  I’m really sorry about this.  There is one acronym to summarise why: PhD.  As you may or may not have read (depending on whether you generally follow my blog posts) I am doing a PhD on characterisation and intertextuality in the Metamorphoses.  I am entering my final year, which means writing up my 80,000 word thesis for submission next spring/summer.  This comic is a side-project, a labour of love to my favourite poem.  I set out to try to juggle these two projects, and I think it’s worked out well so far (hiatus notwithstanding).  Before anyone gets the wrong idea about where this is going, let me be clear: I am going to continue making and posting this comic!  I love it and I love the feedback it has already received.  I am really excited because we are finally heading into the territory of real narratives in the poem (so far, we’ve had a big, cosmic introduction to the world).  However, my PhD is the foundation for my career, and must always take precedent.  Therefore, I am just writing to say that I might not make the update schedule as regularly as I had hoped.  I’m still shooting for Mondays, but if a comic doesn’t show up until Wednesday, or even if I skip a week, please don’t panic.  I’m not going anywhere, nor is this project.  I just have some very big fish to fry in my professional life right now.

I want to thank you all so much for reading!  I love the Metamorphoses and I make this comic so that others can experience it and love it too.  The response so far has been fantastic and I really appreciate your comments, feedback and reposts.  I hope you’ll bear with me as I troddle towards my doctorate and keep enjoying Ovid’s wacky world of transformations.

I am working on a new page that I hope to get up online this week.  Here’s to many more!

Thank you again.  All the very best wishes,

Charlie xx